Tego products comply with the Swiss Ordinance on Materials and Articles in Contact with Food, SR 817.023.21
In April 2010, new provisions came into force in Switzerland for the use of printing inks and overprint varnishes for coating of food packaging.
The Swiss Ordinance on Materials and Articles in Contact with Food regulates in Annex 6 the substances that may be used for printing of food packaging. The ordinance significantly tightens the rules and restricts the permissible substances to defined positive lists (I-V) for evaluated and non-evaluated substances.
Because the ordinance affects food packaging imported from abroad as well as that produced in Switzerland, it has international implications for the printing inks industry.
More than 100 additives, specialty binders, and co-binders of Evonik Tego Chemie GmbH already comply with this ordinance.
Do you have any questions? Talk to us. Your contact for regulatory queries is Mr. Mies. For technical queries, please contact Ms. Hirsch.
Further information on the subject is available on the website of the European Printing Ink Association.