Water-based industrial coatings? A new rheology additive makes it possible.
3rd Place in Category "Best Sustainability Approach"
In the decor sector, the turnaround has already been largely successful: water-based formulations have largely replaced solvent-based systems. However, the industrial sector is lagging behind this development. A new rheological additive from Evonik is helping to bring about this turnaround for industrial and automotive coatings as well, thereby reducing the VOC content to a minimum.
The novel concept has its roots in the established AEROSIL® fumed silica, which has been used for decades in high-quality spray coatings for industrial and automotive coatings to adjust rheology. Evonik has transferred this successful recipe to waterborne coatings and converted the powder additive into a waterborne AEROSIL® dispersion.
The dispersion VP Disp. WF 7620 has a VOC content of less than 1.6% and efficiently prevents run-off or settling in spray-applied waterborne clearcoats and pigmented systems. The functionalized dispersion exhibits rheological efficiency far superior to that of previous pure silica powders or dispersions in waterborne formulations. And VP Disp. WF 7620 offers yet another advantage: It can be easily stirred in during the final production step.
Sustainability, performance and simplicity: The new VP Disp. WF 7620 offers a unique property profile for modern waterborne industrial and automotive coatings.